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Lee un libro Maisy's First Clock (Maisy Fun-to-learn Book) de Lucy Cousins Libros Gratis en EPUB

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Maisy's First Clock (Maisy Fun-to-learn Book) de Lucy Cousins

Descripción - Reseña del editor Ready to learn about time, or just have a great time? Maisy’s First Clock, reissued in a slimmer, easy-to-manage format, is a sure bet for hours of fun.(Ages 2-5)It’s eight o’clock, time to get up and check on Maisy! With this sturdy clock book, preschoolers follow their favorite mouse throughout the day—a day much like their own—while learning the basics of telling time on a clock with movable hands. They can also help Maisy make some important decisions: What will she wear? What will she play with in the park? What will she bring with her to bed? Biografía del autor Lucy Cousins is the creator of the beloved Maisy series. She is also the author-illustrator of the widely acclaimed Yummy: Eight Favorite Fairy Tales, a New York Times Book Review Best Illustrated Children’s Book, as well as I’m the Best and Hooray for Fish! Lucy Cousins lives in Hampshire, England.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Maisy's First Clock (Maisy Fun-to-learn Book)
  • Autor: Lucy Cousins
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Aprendizaje temprano
  • Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

[Download] Maisy's First Clock (Maisy Fun-to-learn Book) de Lucy Cousins libros ebooks

Maisys first clock by lucy cousins, board book barnes maisys first clock, reissued in a slimmer, easytomanage format, is a sure bet for hours of fun its eight oclock, time to get up and check on maisy with this sturdy clock book, preschoolers follow their favorite mouse throughout the daya day much like their ownwhile learning the basics of telling time on a clock with movable hands maisys first clock lucy cousins libri in compra maisys first clock spedizione gratuita su ordini idonei Welcome to maisys fun club join the club maisys fun club features downloadable coloring sheets, games and activities plus a complete list of maisy books by lucy cousins

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